If you are interested in becoming a therapy dog team, please review the following:

  1. If your dog is between one and three years old, we recommend a pre-assessment appointment before attending class. This is not required, however, we are finding that many “COVID puppies,” meaning dogs that grew up during the pandemic aren’t ready for Step 1 class yet.

  2. If you want more information about becoming a team scroll down to “Becoming a Team” below or click on the nav bar at the top of the page. Please read more about our process before you attend class.

  3. If you feel you are ready to attend class you can click the button below.

If you are a facility looking for team visits or if you have requests or questions other than being added to our wait list, please scroll down for more information. We're sorry but we cannot respond to team requests and general questions submitted through our pre-assessment or class waitlist forms.

Becoming a Team

Would you like to become a therapy dog team? Read more about our process and sign up for a pre-assessment or the Step 1 class.

Read more about becoming a team >>


Would you like therapy dog teams to visit your facility? Fill out our new facility form, and we’ll contact you when we’re visiting again.
Fill out the new facility form >>

Support Animals

Are you looking for a service or emotional support animal? We don’t provide or train those, but we have some resources to help you.
Read more about support animals >>


Support Our Mission

Project Canine has been serving the community since 2007. Help us continue our mission of cultivating compassion, kindness, and connection through certified therapy dogs. Donate now!

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